New repeater coordinations will only be issued which conform to this band plan. Existing repeaters, which were coordinated on non-conforming frequencies prior to the adoption of this band plan, will be "grandfathered". However, in the event that any of these non-conforming coordinations are cancelled, all future coordinations will only be issued which conform to the band plan then in use.

* See Footnote 3

# See Footnote 4

1This band plan was recommended by the T-MARC Open Band-Planning Committee, and adopted by the T-MARC membership on November 15, 1998.

2There is a national effort under way to move the domestic SSB calling frequency from 50.125 MHz to 50.200 MHz. If such a move is universally adopted, this band plan will be amended to reflect the change.

3 *FM channels between 51.100 and 51.980 MHz use the even 20 kHz frequencies, in order to conform to the SERA band plan.

FM channels between 52.110 and 53.990 MHz use the odd 20 kHz frequencies.

4# These segments may be used for repeater inputs or outputs in other areas. Therefore, caution should be observed when using these frequencies when the band is open.

5 Existing coordinated repeaters with inputs within this segment in the T-MARC area will be "grandfathered". No new repeaters will be coordinated within this segment.

6 R-C usage in this segment is slowly being phased out, as users acquire newer, narrow-band, equipment which operates in the 50.80 - 50.98 band segment. The Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) should be consulted for information regarding continued use of these frequencies.